Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Independent Creativity: An Impromptu Building Project

Boxes, boxes, boxes - little boys and boxes. Mateo found a box out by our garbage cans that Matthew intended on taking to the dump. Mateo to the rescue (cue Superman themed music)! There was no way he was gonna let that box meet an untimely end.

The boys dragged it into the house (it had yet to get soiled) and commenced fighting over what to do with it. Mateo wanted to make it into a toy box. Ezra wanted to turn it into a car. The tall skinny box was at their mercy. To stop the bickering (no one was backing down) I suggested they think about a project that would better suit a tall skinny box like that. Someone suggested a building and the other emphatically agreed. I don't always get involved in squabbles, but when I can tell it will end in tears I try to steer things in a different direction to spare us all the drama. It doesn't always work, by the way.

We worked together to tape paper to both sides. One boy drew one side of the building while the other boy drew the other side.

I like these kinds of projects because they are all kid - inspired by them, initiated by them, completed by them. I help by finding tape when asked. Otherwise, I stay out of it. That means a few mama moments alone while the kiddos are busy doing their thing. I can always use some of that.

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